Nix and Containers: Why Not Both?
Tom Bereknyei | 25 February 2025

Some people say they don’t use Nix because containers already address the same problems.
This is a half truth. This article explores how and why Nix and containers complement each other—and why you might use Nix to build containers.
The short answer is that Nix gives you a scalable, reliable way to build deterministic, reproducible OCI container images, which you can deploy using any OCI-compatible tooling, runtime, or orchestration system.
Think of it as a kind of technological mutualism: Nix specializes in packaging software, while containerization excels at deploying it. To better understand this distinction, let’s examine the differences between Nix and containerization as approaches to packaging, distributing, and deploying software.
Containers, revisited
It’s helpful to think of containers as infrastructure artifacts optimized for running workloads in isolated environments to meet operational needs—whether for scaling services, ensuring availability and resilience, or shipping software to CI and production.
Containers strike a balance between isolation and portability, making them easier to build, run, and maintain than other forms of encapsulation, like VMs. This makes them a convenient solution for deploying software.
But a container doesn’t package software any more than a shipping container packages goods. “Packaging” happens beforehand—when software is built, staged, and configured prior to being loaded into a container image, just as goods are palletized, crated, or unitized before being loaded into a shipping container.
In both contexts, the role of the container is to provide a standard, convenient unit for transport—i.e., deployment. Containers are an ideal tool for this: they encapsulate software into a portable, isolated runtime designed for the most common infrastructure platforms used in CI and production.
How Nix is different
Nix, by contrast, is a package manager and build system that builds packages based on declarative definitions, Nix expressions, which evaluate to derivations that specify build inputs and steps.
So when you run nix build
, Nix either retrieves pre-built binaries from a binary cache or evaluates the Nix expression to build the package from source in an isolated sandbox. Because package definitions are versioned in Git, they can be pinned to specific commits for reproducibility. If a prebuilt binary is unavailable, Nix can just build the package from source using the pinned definition.
Nix doesn’t just track individual packages—it tracks all dependencies transitively, so that every input needed to reproduce a package is available. This complete set of dependencies is called the Nix closure.
Here is a summary of the differences:
Containers | Nix | |
Size | Building a container image starts with installing a base OS and a bunch of build-time dependencies. Afterward, the user needs to strip out everything that's not needed at runtime. It's possible start with minimal base images or use third-party utilities to strip out unneeded software, but by default, container images include unneeded bits. | Nix has knowledge of every dependency an application needs at runtime (the runtime closure)—not only the names of the packages, but also precisely which version and build is needed. With this knowledge it's possible to create "perfect container images", which are by definition the smallest possible size. All of this comes from the primitives provided by Nix. |
Easy customization | Containers rely on the base image's package manager (e.g. an Ubuntu
image will use | Nix is tightly coupled with Nixpkgs—an open source repository of build recipes for a large number of software packages and libraries. Nix allows you to modify package build recipes independently of the defaults specific to a distribution. And according to repology Nixpkgs is fresher and larger than any other open source repo, thanks to active support from the Nix community. |
Reproducibility | Builds are not reproducible. For example, a Dockerfile will run
something like | Builds can be fully reproducible. Resources are only available over the network if a checksum is provided to identify what the resource is. All of a package's build-time dependencies can be captured through a Nix expression, so the same steps and inputs (down to libc, gcc, etc.) can be repeated. |
Dependency Sharing | Dependencies are shared if you carefully craft your container layers to be identical. | Every dependency can be shared, not only between containers, but also between containers and any machine using Nix. |
Build instructions | Dockerfiles and official images repeat a lot of work taking place in
Nixpkgs (grabbing source, patching, | All packages use a widely maintained and frequently updated set of build instructions. The community keeps these instructions fresh, and we make sure the rare breakages that do occur never propagate to your software. When you need to build bespoke versions of dependencies, Nix makes it easy to override build instructions (e.g. change a build flag). |
Better together
Containers have no equivalent to a Nix closure. While you can pin package versions in container builds, base image tags are mutable, system package managers depend on external repositories, and registries like PyPi or npm may remove or change package versions. A container image is essentially a snapshot of a filesystem at a specific point in time, with no built-in mechanism for regenerating its state from first principles.
To sum up:
- Containers capture filesystem snapshots but cannot deterministically regenerate their state;
- Nix derivations fully specify builds, permitting deterministic rebuilds.
Nix and containers are best when they’re used together. Nix gives you a way to build and package software in a way that guarantees reproducibility, while containers provide a standard, convenient way to distribute and run it. You can use Nix to construct container images that fully specify their runtime dependencies. This eliminates common sources of variability like mutable base images, external package repositories, and non-deterministic build metadata. Containers then provide an isolated, portable execution environment, making them ideal for deployment.
How to use Nix in container workflows: Two different methods
Nix being Nix, there are several approaches you can use to export a Nix shell or profile to a container.
This article describes two possible methods of using Nix with containers. Rest assured, there are many others.
These are:
- Define an environment using Nix, export this environment to a container;
- Create a Nix flake and leverage
from Nixpkgs to generate a container;
Which method is right for you? For most teams using Nix, the second is usually preferable.
I’ll explore each one in depth so you can get a sense ofr what’s involved, how they work, and how they’re usefully distinct.
Method 1
It is straightforward to specify a runtime environment with Nix and export it in a container.
This method is ideal if you already have a Nix runtime environment—be it a Nix shell or profile; a Flox environment; or even just a single package—and want to containerize it.
This process involves:
- Using Nix to resolve all required runtime dependencies;
- Assembling these into a
-like filesystem structure; - Exporting this
into a container.
Believe it or not, this basic approach is … how traditional container base images are built. But when you do this with a Nix expression, you don’t need to start with a base image, and you’re building only required dependencies into the container runtime.
You’re also defining the container declaratively, specifying the configuration of both the runtime environment and the container image in a single Nix expression. Nix handles dependency resolution and produces a fully specified OCI-compliant image, building everything into a single monolithic layer.
The final step involves leveraging docker build
or podman build
to package the assembled chroot
into an OCI-compliant image. This workflow uses these tools to do just one thing: copy the chroot
into the OCI image. This eliminates the imperative build logic typically used in Dockerfiles and keeps the entire build process simple and deterministic. All critical steps are handled declaratively by Nix.
What does this look like? The scripting logic in the code block below builds a minimal Docker image by:
- Creating a Nix profile with required packages;
- Copying its store paths into
; and - Manually setting up basic system files like
, andnix.conf
This script then defines a pro forma Dockerfile using an empty base image (FROM scratch
); copies root-store
as the container’s root filesystem; configures a non-root user (uid 1000
); and sets Bash as the entrypoint. Basically, the minimal Dockerfile and docker build
are used only to package the Nix-defined root-store
into an OCI image, with no imperative build steps beyond copying the root-store
First, the script used to define the Dockerfile:
==> Dockerfile <==
FROM scratch # all the best
# Copy over our chroot into the container
COPY --chown=1000:1000 root-store/ /
# Set up some env stuff
USER 1000
ENV NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt # required for https network calls
WORKDIR /home/user
# This can be anything you desire
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]
Next, the script used to prepare a Nix profile:
# Create a nix profile containing stuff you need
nix profile install nixpkgs#{bashInteractive,coreutils,cacert} --profile ./profile
# Create a root-store for copying into container
# ./profile can be ANY STORE PATH, even a flox env or a single package
nix copy --to $PWD/root-store ./profile
cp -r profile/* root-store/
chmod +w root-store/etc
echo user:!:1000: > root-store/etc/group
echo user:!:1000:1000::/home/user:/bin/bash > root-store/etc/passwd #support non-root user
mkdir root-store/{tmp,etc/nix}
# Build the container
docker build -t foo .
This method of copying a fully assembled Nix store path into the container also hints at an alternative approach: bind-mounting the necessary /nix/store
paths into the container from the host, a volume, or another container. This approach minimizes the container’s own footprint while avoiding duplication of dependencies, allowing multiple containers—or the host and containers—to share the same store paths.
Method 2
A second option is to use buildLayeredImage
from the Nixpkgs dockerTools library to construct OCI images declaratively with Nix.
Instead of creating an imperative Dockerfile with RUN
commands, this uses a Nix flake to define both the contents of the container (its dependencies) and its structure (its layers). Other variants, such as streamLayeredImage
, can generate layers incrementally during the build process, This reduces intermediate storage use and avoids the need to first materialize the full image in the Nix store. Note: The flake below is specifically written for buildLayeredImage
and would need adjustments to work with streamLayeredImage
Unlike the first method outlined above, Method 2 doesn’t produce a monolithic container image with all dependencies bundled into a single layer. Rather, each dependency gets its own layer. Since Docker caches image layers and reuses them when it builds new images, structuring the image this way enables it to detect and reuse unchanged dependencies at the level of individual Nix store paths.
This has at least four benefits:
- Permits build reuse when images share dependencies. Each dependency gets its own layer;
- Speeds up image rebuilds when dependencies change. Rebuild the layer, not the whole image.
- Keeps the build process fully declarative. The Nix closure defines the dependencies used to build the image;
- Uses Nix as a build tool. This guarantees builds are deterministic.
This method doesn’t rely on using a Dockerfile and Docker’s BuildKit backend. Instead, you’re using the Nix derivation generated by buildLayeredImage
to construct a container image—without invoking Docker or Podman.
The flake below defines a configuration that nix build
uses to:
- Build an OCI image named
; - Include dependencies (
) along with the contents of the current directory; - Set
as the container’s entrypoint.
inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
outputs = _: {
packages = builtins.mapAttrs (system: pkgs: rec {
default = pkgs.dockerTools.buildLayeredImage {
name = "teh-awesome-container";
tag = "v1";
contents = pkgs.buildEnv {
name = "env1";
paths = [
./. # COPY the current dir in
config = { # OCI Runtime configuration goes here:
Cmd = ["hello"];
}) _.nixpkgs.legacyPackages;
The final steps would involve using docker load
or podman load
to import the resulting image into Docker or Podman respectively, or using docker push
or podman push
to push to a container registry.
The Simplest Way
Most teams familiar with Nix will probably opt for Method #2. This gives them a way of using Nix with their existing container-based workflows—and vice-versa—and guarantees that the build process itself is deterministic and fully reproducible.
However, there is another method I’d like to describe: using Flox to build an OCI container image.
It involves:
Initializing and defining a Flox environment. Run flox init to create an environment, use commands like flox install <package_name> to imperatively install software from Nixpkgs. Or define runtime software and required dependencies declaratively using TOML in the Flox environment's manifest.
Configuring settings, services, and available features. The Flox environment manifest has separate sections for defining environment variables (
), services ([services]
), setup and teardown tasks ([hook]
), and in-environment features and functions ([profile]
). Teams define variables, services, actions, and functions using a combination of TOML and Bash shell scripting logic.
Running flox containerize inside a Flox environment produces a tarball (with the --file
option) or writes to stdout
, piping the image to docker load
or podman load
. By default, flox containerize
loads the image into whatever container runtime it finds in PATH
(e.g., Docker or Podman), or writes to ./<environment_name>-container.tar
if no runtime is available.
In the end, this as simple as:
flox init
flox install hello perl python3
flox containerize
With this approach, you get Nix's build guarantees but don't have to know how to write Nix expressions or flakes. It's a simple way of encapsulating a runtime into a container so it builds deterministically.
If you're curious about what you've read here, want to learn more about Flox, or want to share your own preferred methods for constructing containers, drop into our community Discourse forum or join our community Slack. We'd love to chat with you.