Jump Around! from Directory to Directory with zoxide and Flox
Steve Swoyer | 18 October 2024

Fun Package Fridays is a series where we ask members of the Flox team to share fun and perhaps not-so-well-known tools and utilities you can find in the Flox Catalog, powered by Nix. Today's edition come from Steve Swoyer, our over-caffeinated content writer.
Just when you thought it safe to quit your laptop for the weekend, here's Flox's latest Fun Packages Fridays(R)(TM) entry, highlighting a keen piece of software in the Flox Catalog, powered by Nixpkgs.
This week's package is zoxide, a fuzzy-matching directory-jumping tool that styles itself as a “smarter” replacement for the venerable cd
The choice of zoxide is inspired in part by last week's package, fzf, which is a fuzzy-matching search utility. This article gives you an idea how zoxide can fit into and improve your workflow.
Getting It
The following examples assume you're working inside an existing Flox environment. If you don't know what goes into creating one of these, consider checking out Flox's Quick Start guide and, if you want to play along at home, downloading Flox.
First we'll install and activate zoxide. We'll install fzf, too, because both combined are greater than the sum of their parts.
daedalus@askesis:~$ flox install zoxide fzf && flox activate
✅ 'zoxide' installed
✅ 'fzf' installed
✅ You are now using the environment 'chumbawamba'.
To stop using this environment, type 'exit'
That was simple enough, wasn't it?
Using It
To put zoxide through its paces, it needs to have a history of the directories you work in. You can use the zoxide add <directory_path>
command to manually populate this history. If you want to automate this, however, you could also whip up something using the shell logic of your choice. For example, the following one-liner recursively traverses your $HOME directory and adds directories for you:
daedalus@askesis:~$ find "$HOME" -type d -print -exec zoxide add {} \;
(Warning: If you've got a massive $HOME with tens of thousands of folders, this will take awhile to run!)
Okay, now we're ready to begin! Let's say that six months ago I was working in a local ComfyUI project but I can't remember where the heck I put it. This ceases to be a problem with zoxide—provided I can remember at least something distinctive about my project directory's name.
I can jump right to a fuzzily matched directory using the z
daedalus@askesis:~$ z Com
Neat! I had only to type z Com
, hit [ENTER]
, and zoxide plopped me right into my ComfyUI
project directory!
This time let's jump into something a little bit more deeply nested, like that relict directory where I stashed the PDFs I used to train my Verba-powered RAG stack. The problem is (wait for it) I can't remember where I put it!
daedalus@askesis:~$ z rag
Huh. Fuzzy matching for the win? Obviously I'm not using the right string, so let's try again:
daedalus@askesis:~$ z RAG
Okay. So fuzzy matching also means case-insensitive matching. Good to know.
Oh! I just remembered which string I can use to jump successfully:
daedalus@askesis:~$ z ragtime
Awesome! That was easy! Imagine how simple it is to jump around in your workflow when you can actually remember the names of your project folders. For instance:
daedalus@askesis:~$ z golde
daedalus@askesis:~/sandbox/projects/llm/training/ragtime/golden-verba$ z open_s
daedalus@askesis:~/sandbox/var/vm/x86-64/suse/open-suse-leap$ z et
daedalus@askesis:/etc$ z sudo
daedalus@askesis:/etc/sudoers.d$ z o11y
But wait: There's more.
Mastering It
Because zoxide isn't just a one-trick tool. For example, I can use it to match on multiple terms just by separating them with a space:
daedalus@askesis:~$ z stable diffusion
daedalus@askesis:~/dev/stable-diffusion-webui$ z trying to break my heart
What else? Zoxide has a fuzzy search feature that makes use of fzf. Conveniently enough, this automatically gets aliased to zi
. It makes searching for, finding, and jumping into directories dead simple:
daedalus@askesis:~$ zi rag
> < 3/3
│> < 3/3 │
│* 13.2 /home/daedalus/go/src/runtime/coverage │
│ 8.0 /home/daedalus/sandbox/projects/llm/training/ragtime │
│ 5.2 /home/daedalus/go/src/cmd/compile/internal/coverage │
See those numbers next to each path? They represent zoxide's frecency score for each directory, which is based on the frequency and, er, recency with which you've accessed them. Dammit: all of those dead-end jumps into /home/daedalus/go/src/runtime/coverage
artificially inflated its score!
One last thing. You can also use zoxide and fzf together to get fuzzy search and completion. You just need to type your search term, followed by a space, and then hit [TAB]
, much like you'd do with fzf by itself:
daedalus@askesis:~$ z stable-
│ > < 1/1 │
│ * 8.0 /home/daedalus/dev/stable-diffusion-webui │
Pretty neat, huh?! Zoxide has oodles of other features, including support for all major shells, and integration with emacs, vim, ranger, and tmux, along with other tools. This article very much scratches the surface of what you can do with it.
Housekeeping Notes
It made sense to front-load this article by showing all the fun stuff you can do with zoxide.
I'll conclude by briefly explaining the one or two things you need to do to set it up.
First, you're going to need to add zoxide's shell initialization logic to your shell's configuration and/or profile dotfiles. If you're using bash or zsh, you could just add the following line:
eval "$(zoxide init <bash or zsh>)"
to your .bashrc
or .profile
config files. Re-source your shell (source ~/.bashrc
) and ... voila.
Second, if you want to use fzf with zoxide, you'll need to have its eval command in your shell config, too.
A Better Way
However, doing this involves making changes you might not want to persist. What if you don't like zoxide? What if you're evaluating it along with similar tools, like autojump or fasd? What if you just have issues with commitment?
This is what Flox environments are made for! You can flox activate
our zoxide and fzf proof-of-concept as a remote environment using the -r option:
flox activate -r flox/a-perfect-shell
Remote environments are ephemeral. You can activate ‘em, use ‘em, and when you’re done, they’re gone. So there's nothing in your shell config files to clean up!
That's it. That's zoxide. Paired with fzf, it makes for a pretty powerful combination, no?
Happy hacking.
Special thanks to Flox's great and powerful Nick Lewis for turning me on to zoxide, and to the no less thaumaturgical Rok Garbas for offering his $0.02—or, rather, €0.02.