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Example Environments

OpenAILibraries and tooling for ChatGPT

This environment contains the OpenAI Python library along with Python 3.11 and a collection of tools that can be used to integrate ChatGPT into your workflow.

There is an activation hook that prompts for an API key if one is not found.

Activation command:
flox activate -r flox/openai
~%flox activate -r flox/openai
✅ You are now using the environment 'flox/openai (remote)'.🤖 OpenAI configured with key from ~/.config/openai.key
flox [flox/openai (remote)]~%mods "hey, are you there?"
Yes, I'm here! How can I assist you today?
flox [flox/openai (remote)]~%
PostgreSQLThe most popular open source database

This environment contains PostgreSQL, along with a client you can use to connect to it. When you activate this environment with services enabled, a PostgreSQL server will be started.

Activation command:
flox pull flox/postgres
pg%flox pull flox/postgres
✨ Pulled flox/postgres from https://hub.flox.dev/You can activate this environment with 'flox activate'
pg%flox activate --start-services
✅ You are now using the environment 'flox/nb (remote)'.
✅ completed initdb in /Users/rturk/pg/postgres_data✅ finished createdb on pgdb
Use 'psql' to connect.
flox [flox/postgres]pg%
Flox AI Modeling (FLAIM)Everything you need for Diffusers & Transformers

FLAIM contains Diffusers and Transformers from Hugging Face, paired with Python 3.11 and an accelerated PyTorch. Together, all of this allows you to perform traning and inference repeatably across platforms and architectures. Upon activation, this environment will verify that CUDA or Metal acceleration is available.

Activation command:
flox activate -r flox/flaim
~%flox activate -r flox/flaim
✅ You are now using the environment 'flox/flaim (remote)'.
Metal is available 🍏Run 'testaccel' to retest acceleration.Run 'genimg <string>' for an image.
flox [flox/flaim (remote)]~%genimg "a fox in a henhouse"
A fox in a henhouse
flox [flox/flaim (remote)]~%
OllamaAdd LLMs into your project

This environment provides Ollama, allowing you to pull and run LLMs with ease. If you start this environment with services activated, it will start an Ollama server automatically.

Activation command:
flox activate -r flox/ollama -s
~%flox activate -r flox/ollama -s
✅ You are now using the environment 'flox/ollama (remote)'.
🤖 Ollama service running
flox [flox/ollama]~%
AnthropicAccess Claude from within your environment

This environment provides the Anthropic Python library, along with activation hooks that ensure that the API key is properly set. It also contains a small script that can be used to query Claude interactively from the command-line.

Activation command:
flox activate -r flox/anthropic
~%flox activate -r flox/anthropic
✅ You are now using the environment 'flox/anthropic (remote)'.Anthropic API key loaded from config file.
flox [flox/anthropic (remote)]~%claude "are you there?"
Yes, I'm here! How can I assist you today?
flox [flox/anthropic (remote)]~%
MetabaseQuickly explore datasets

This environment contains Metabase, an analytics suite designed for easy setup and delightful user experience. If this environment is started with services activated, a Metabase server will be started in the background.

Activation command:
flox pull flox/metabase
metabase%flox pull flox/metabase
✨ Pulled flox/metabase from https://hub.flox.dev/You can activate this environment with 'flox activate'
metabase%flox activate --start-services
✅ You are now using the environment 'flox/metabase (remote)'.
Metabase URL: http://localhost:3000
flox [flox/metabase]metabase%
DirenvAutomatically activate Flox environments

This environment shows how you can use Direnv with Flox to automatically activate and deactivate your environments, simply by cd-ing into and out of them. It also contains a utility function that can be used to enable auto-activation in your Flox projects.

Activation command:
flox activate -r flox/direnv
projects%flox activate -r flox/direnv
✅ You are now using the environment 'flox/direnv (remote)'.🤖 This shell now has direnv enabled.
flox [flox/direnv (remote)]projects%cd frontend
flox [flox/direnv (remote)]frontend%flox list
imagemagick: imagemagick (7.1.1-35)nodejs: nodejs (20.15.1)yarn: yarn (1.22.22)
flox [flox/direnv (remote)]frontend%cd ../backend
flox [flox/direnv (remote)]backend%flox list
apacheKafka: apacheKafka (apache-kafka-2.13-3.7.1)redis: redis (7.2.5)ruby: ruby (3.1.6)
flox [flox/direnv (remote)]~%
Jupyter NotebookEasily conjure notebooks, wherever you are

Using this environment, you can start a Jupyter Notebook server and access notebooks in your current directory. When you are done, it leaves nothing behind.

Activation command:
flox activate -r flox/nb -s
~%cd notebooks
notebooks%flox activate -r flox/nb -s
✅ You are now using the environment 'flox/nb (remote)'.
Currently running servers:http://localhost:8888/?token=floxfan123456 :: /home/rturk/nb
flox [flox/nb] notebooks%