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flox config command


flox-config - view and set configuration options


flox [<general-options>] config
     [-l |
      -r |
      --set <key> <string> |
      --set-number <key> <number> |
      --set-bool <key> <bool> |


Without any flags or when -l is passed, flox config shows all options with their computed value.

Config values are read from the following sources in order of descending priority:

  1. Environment variables. All config options may be set by prefixing with FLOX_ and using SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE. For example, disable_metrics may be set with FLOX_DISABLE_METRICS=true.
  2. User customizations from $FLOX_CONFIG_DIR/flox.toml if set or else $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/flox/flox.toml.
  3. User customizations from flox/flox.toml in any of $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS.
  4. System settings from /etc/flox.toml.
  5. flox provided defaults.

flox config commands that mutate configuration always write to ${FLOX_CONFIG_DIR:-$XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/flox/flox.toml.

Key Format

<key> supports dot-separated queries for nested values, for example:

flox config --set 'trusted_environments."owner/name"' trust


Config Options

-l, --list
List the current values of all options.

-r, --reset
Reset all options to their default values without confirmation.

--set <key> <string>
Set <key> = <string> for string values

--set-number <key> <number>
Set <key> = <number> for number values

--set-bool <key> <bool>
Set <key> = <bool> for boolean values

--delete <key>
Delete config key

General Options

-h, --help
Prints help information.

The following options can be passed when running any flox subcommand but must be specified before the subcommand.

-v, --verbose
Increase logging verbosity. Invoke multiple times for increasing detail.

-q, --quiet
Silence logs except for errors.


Directory where flox should load its configuration file (default: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/flox). This option will only take effect if set with $FLOX_CONFIG_DIR. $FLOX_CONFIG_DIR and config_dir are ignored.

Directory where flox should store ephemeral data (default: $XDG_CACHE_HOME/flox).

Directory where flox should store persistent data (default: $XDG_DATA_HOME/flox).

Disable collecting and sending usage metrics.

Token to authenticate on FloxHub.

Hide environments named ‘default’ from the shell prompt, and don’t add environments named ‘default’ to $FLOX_PROMPT_ENVIRONMENTS (default: true).

How many items flox search should show by default.

Set shell prompt when activating an environment (default: true).

shell_prompt - DEPRECATED
Rule whether to change the shell prompt in activated environments (default: “show-all”). This has been deprecated in favor of set_prompt and hide_default_prompt. Possible values are * “show-all”: shows all active environments * “hide-all”: disables the modification of the shell prompt * “hide-default”: filters out environments named ‘default’ from the shell prompt

Remote environments that are trusted for activation. Contains keys of the form "<owner>/<name>" that map to either "trust" or "deny".


Variable for disabling the collection/sending of metrics data. If set to true, prevents Flox from submitting basic metrics information such as a unique token and the subcommand issued.