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flox services status command


flox-services-status - display the status of services


flox [<general-options>] services status
     [ -d=<path> ]
     [ --json ]
     [<name>] ...


Displays the status of one or more services.

If no services are specified, then all services will be displayed. If no services have been started for this environment, an error will be displayed. An error will also be displayed if one of the specified services does not exist.


-d, --dir
Path containing a .flox/ directory.

Print statuses formatted as JSON. Each service is printed as a single JSON object on its own line.

General Options

-h, --help
Prints help information.

The following options can be passed when running any flox subcommand but must be specified before the subcommand.

-v, --verbose
Increase logging verbosity. Invoke multiple times for increasing detail.

-q, --quiet
Silence logs except for errors.


Display statuses for all services:

$ flox services status
NAME       STATUS            PID
sleeping   Running         89718
myservice  Running         12345

Display the status of a single service:

$ flox services status myservice
NAME       STATUS            PID
myservice  Running         12345


flox-activate(1) flox-services-start(1)